This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Event Display and Particle Flow Exercise


  • You may need a CERN account to access some tools used in this exercise.

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HSF Software Training

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This training module is part of the HSF Software Training Center, a series of training modules that serves HEP newcomers the software skills needed as they enter the field, and in parallel, instill best practices for writing software.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Particle Flow event reconstruction in CMS
00:35 2. FireworksWeb Introduction What is FireworksWeb?
How can FireworksWeb be used to analyze CMS event data?
What are the benefits of using FireworksWeb over traditional Fireworks?
01:10 3. EW Physics
02:40 4. Top Physics
04:10 5. Higgs Physics
05:40 6. 13 TeV Collision Events
07:10 7. Scanning Noisy Events
07:10 8. iSpy Event Viewer
07:10 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.


The following people contributed to the content of this lesson
For any questions regarding this exercise, please contact :
  • Julie Hogan
  • Wei Wei
  • Guillermo Fidalgo
  • Philip Chang (for Part 2)
  • Tom McCauley (for the iSpy part)
  • Christopher Madrid
Note that this list does not include the contributors to the framework as developed by the carpentries.