This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Exercise 1


Teaching: min
Exercises: min

Selecting a final state and trigger (Wednesday Morning)

Choose one of the three $\tau \tau$ final states with at least one hadronically decaying $\tau$. Of the final states we are considering, there are two options for choice of trigger. (Slide 5 of the intro slides). We need to decide which is best for our analysis.

The available list of all triggers in NANOAOD can be found in the NANOAOD documentation.

To learn to write Python code and use the NanoAODTools framework, we will start with as a template. To run the example:

cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/analysis/
python ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/postprocessing/examples/

This example selects events from the input file and applies a preselection choosing events with at least one jet of pt > 250 GeV. It then loops over these events, selects those with at least 2 muons, and creates the Lorentzvector sum of the electrons, muons, and jets in the event. A histogram is then filled with the $p_T$ of the vector. An additional example of the syntax (c++) for preselection can be found here. Although for our purposes feel free to not use any at all.

You may view the histogram using the root TBrowser:

root histOut.root
TBrowser b

The input file is The input file is:


We need to calculate the signal efficiency for each of the two trigger options. To do so, you need to loop over all the entries in a signal MC file using the template provided.

Although in c++, examples of event loops used in the Tau Short Exercise can be found in eff.c and taumdm.c.

For analysis, the reconstructed objects (muons, electrons, taus) need additional identification quality criteria:

The different triggers may require different kinematic cuts ($p_T, \eta$) depending on their design. Some triggers have different isolation requirements on the reconstructed objects. The trigger variable names (fortunately) describe the criteria on the reconstructed objects to be applied offline. The goal of this section is too see which of the two routes specific to your channel (trigger 1 or trigger 2) give the greatest signal efficiency.

To get an estimate of the number of expected events to be observed in data, you need to scale your mc events by a “cross section weight”. This concept is highlighted here .


Deliverable for the end of the day: A table containing the signal efficiencies for each of your two trigger options, including the total number of events which passed your baseline and numerator selection. Scale these numbers by the appropriate cross section weight to produce a ballpark estimate for the number of events expected at 2018 luminosity.

Key Points