CMS DAS 2025 Generators Short Exercise: Reference

Key Points

1 - Matrix Element Generator
  • MadGraph is a widely used tool to generate matrix-element predictions for the hard scatter for SM and BSM processes.

  • Standalone MadGraph can run interactively on-the-fly or by importing the predefined text scripts

  • Gridpacks are used for large scale productions with consistency guaranteed

  • LHE level information is not physical and parton shower is needed to describe full physics

2 - Parton Shower Generator
  • Pythia8 is the main tool used for parton showering in CMS

  • Events are not physical if it did not go through parton shower

  • Jet merging is a technique to avoid double countings of jet phase spaces in ME and PS calculations

3 - Analysis and systematic uncertainties
  • PDF uncertainties can be estimated from a set of different per-event weights. The method depends on the type of PDF set that is used (hessian, MC replicas)

  • Scale and alphaS variations are another source of uncertainty in the prediction of a simulated sample and can be used to estimate systematic uncertainties

4 - CMS resources for samples and generators
  • DAS can be used to find samples and their files, number of events for a certain sample etc

  • McM is used for sample generation management, and can be used by the user to obtain additional information about their samples, e.g. the root gridpack, fragments etc.

  • McM is also a good place to look for example cmsDriver commands

  • Different sources for x-secs exist within CMS: a CMSSW analyzer and a database


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The WorkBook Glossary is continually being updated with new and improved definitions of acronyms and concepts relating to the CERN, the CMS experiment, the LHC and GRID computing.