This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Finding information about a trigger path


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • Learn different ways to look up information about a trigger path


Set up your machine following instructions in setup first.

Find the L1 seed of the MET HLT path

There are different ways to learn which is the L1 seed of a specific HLT path. Two examples will be tested in this exercise:

In the context of this exercise, we will retrieve the information of the HLT_PFMET170_HBHECleaned_v* path from OMS for a specific run (run 284043) and HLT configuration (/cdaq/physics/Run2016/25ns15e33/v4.2.3/HLT/V2).

OMS method

As a first step, connect to OMS

Then move to the L1 Trigger rate page in OMS and search for the L1 seeds there to have a look at the rates and prescales of these L1 seeds.
(Note that you might need to increase the number of rows at the bottom of the page to find them.)

Web-based confdb

The web-based confdb is a web-based GUI of the database that holds all of CMS HLT configurations.
One can inspect any given HLT menu without downloading one or connecting to the database.
More information about the web-based confdb can be found in these slides.

Let’s try to find the /cdaq/physics/Run2016/25ns15e33/v4.2.3/HLT/V2 menu in the GUI.

After retriving from the DB, you can see all the paths.


You should see the same L1 seeds that you find from OMS.

Inspecting a HLT configuration

hltGetConfiguration is the official command to retrive a HLT configuration from the database.


Since hltGetConfiguration involves connecting to the confdb database directly, this command should never be used in a large number of jobs or programatic loop. It should only be used interactively.

ssh -f -N -D 1080 <yourUserName> 
hltConfigFromDB --configName --adg /cdaq/physics/Run2016/25ns15e33/v4.2.3/HLT/V2 --dbproxy --dbproxyhost localhost --dbproxyport 1080 >

If you have connection issue, simply inspect one that has been downloaded for you

xrdcp root:// .

Then, inspect the HLT configuration to look for the information about the L1 seed of the path into it:

grep 'process.HLT_PFMET170_HBHECleaned_v9'

You should see the expected output below:

process.HLT_PFMET170_HBHECleaned_v9 = cms.Path(process.HLTBeginSequence+process.hltL1sETM50ToETM120+process.hltPrePFMET170HBHECleaned+process.HLTRecoMETSequence+process.hltMET90+process.HLTHBHENoiseCleanerSequence+process.hltMetClean+process.hltMETClean80+process.HLTAK4PFJetsSequence+process.hltPFMETProducer+process.hltPFMET170+process.HLTEndSequence)


To conclude, answer the following questions:

  • Which was the lowest threshold L1 seed active in the L1 menu?
  • Which is the lowest threshold L1 seed unprescaled?
  • How is it called the HLT module that contains the information about the L1 seeding?

Key Points