Measuring trigger efficiencies
Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
Learn how to access the trigger information stored in MiniAOD and NanoAOD
Learn what is trigger objects and how to access them
Measure trigger efficiency using the tag-and-probe method
Set up your machine following instructions in setup first.
The goal of the following exercises is to learn how to access and play with the trigger objects in our data and compute the efficiency of a specific HLT path and look also at its Level 1 (L1) seed.
The focus will be on a HLT path used during the 2016 data-taking to select events with a certain amount of missing transverse energy:
Compute a MET trigger efficiency
We will first run this exercise on MiniAOD format, then run it again on NanoAOD.
The MINIAOD format was introduced at the beginning of Run 2 to reduce the information and file size from the AOD file format.
This means that several redundant versions of Ntuples for different analysis groups are stored in the limited CMS storage spaces.
For Run 2 analyses, most of the analysis groups at CMS skimmed the centrally produced MiniAOD files into smaller, analysis-specific ROOT Ntuples.MiniAOD events contain two trigger products that we will need in these exercises.
product contains trigger bits for each HLT path, whereas theTriggerObjectStandAlone
product contains the trigger objects used at HLT.
In addition, the trigger prescales, L1 trigger decisions, and L1 objects are stored in MiniAOD.
A more detailed description of the trigger-related MiniAOD event content can be found here.In this exercise we work with a skimmed MiniAOD file. (In case you are wondering where this skimmed file came from: it has been created using the configuration in
, which selects events with offline MET above a threshold of 100 GeV.)Inspect MiniAOD content
First, inspect the contents of the skimmed MiniAOD input file as follows:
edmDumpEventContent root:// --regex=Trigger
You can also inspect the full file content by dropping the –regex parameter.
As you see, there are indeed multiple TriggerResults products here, as well as other trigger-related collections.
We will learn how to interact with these two products and how to use their packed information in our physics analyses in this and the following exercises.Extract the MET turn-on of the MET HLT path
Glimpse through the configuration file in
and try to get a general idea of what it does.
Lines 45-48 of this configuration file show that it invokes an analyzer module calledMETTrigAnalyzerMiniAOD
, and gives it two HLT paths as input parameters (with a specific version number that keeps track of minor updates to the HLT path from one menu to another one):process.metTrigAnalyzerMiniAOD = cms.EDAnalyzer("METTrigAnalyzerMiniAOD") process.metTrigAnalyzerMiniAOD.refTriggerName = cms.untracked.string("HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_v7") process.metTrigAnalyzerMiniAOD.sigTriggerName = cms.untracked.string("HLT_PFMET170_HBHECleaned_v6")
We will use the
analyzer module to perform a simple trigger efficiency measurement.
We will useHLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf
as a reference trigger to measure the trigger efficiency of theHLT_PFMET170_HBHECleaned
signal trigger.Next, check through the code in
and try to get a general idea of what it does.Then run the configuration file as follows:
cd test voms-proxy-init --voms cms cmsRun
Use the TBrowser to explore the file
and look at the histogramsh_met_all
Can you explain the shape of each distribution?
The plotting macro
uses theTEfficiency
class to create an efficiency plot using the two histograms produced above.Inspect the code in
and then run this macro as follows:root -l plot_trigeff_met.C
The resulting turn-on is the result of our efficiency measurement.
It shows the trigger efficiency of the signal trigger (vertical axis) in bins of offline-reconstructed MET (horizontal axis).Question
Inspect the resulting efficiency plot. At which value of offline MET does the trigger turn-on reach its maximal value, and the flat “plateau” region start?
A centrally maintained NanoAOD format was proposed in 2018, aiming for a common Ntuple format that can be used by most of the CMS analysis groups. Information about the NanoAOD format can be found here.
In this exercise, we will repeat the trigger efficiency measurement using a NanoAOD input file (events stored in it are different from the MiniAOD file used earlier) format and the related tools.
First, check out the NanoAOD-tools package for reading NanoAOD files:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools scram b -j 4 cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/LPCTriggerHATS/ShortExerciseTrigger/test
Copy the skimmed NanoAOD file to your working directory as follows:
xrdcp root:// .
Then, first run the code (written using packages of NanoAOD tools available centrally) to produce the required histograms to compute the efficiency.
Next run the code to take the ratio of the two histograms and plot the efficiency and store it as a pdf:python python
Inspect the resulting efficiency plot. Though we used a different sample, is the shape of this result consistent with what you obtained in MiniAOD?
Key Points