This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Accessing trigger objects


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Learn how to access the trigger information stored in MiniAOD and NanoAOD

  • Learn what is trigger objects and how to access them

  • Measure trigger efficiency using the tag-and-probe method


In the efficiency measurement Ex., we performed a simple efficiency measurement using the TriggerResults product in a MiniAOD file and a NanoAOD file.
Sometimes, we want to know what is the exact object reconstructed and used in the HLT path.
This is what TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection contains - the actual physics objects reconstructed at the HLT.

Have a look at the code in plugins/, especially the analyze function starting from line 95, as well as the configuration file

Additional info

The configuration file shows that also this time we are using as input a skimmed MiniAOD file called skim_dimu20_SingleMuon_2016G_ReReco_180k.root. In case you are wondering again, this skim has been produced with the configuration, requires two offline muons with pt above 20 GeV.

This time we don’t have a signal trigger and a separate reference trigger. Instead, we focus only on one single-muon trigger, namely HLT_IsoMu24:

process.singleMuTrigAnalyzerMiniAOD.triggerName = cms.untracked.string("HLT_IsoMu24_v2")

The analyzer is longer and more complicated than the one in efficiency measurement Ex., and we will discuss it not only in this exercise, but also in two others that follow. So don’t worry if some parts look somewhat mysterious first.

Similarly to efficiency measurement Ex., in line 129 the name of the HLT path (triggerName_) is used to retrieve the corresponding index (triggerIndex):

const unsigned int triggerIndex(hltConfig_.triggerIndex(triggerName_));

which is then used (in line 148) to access the HLT decision to accept or reject the event:

  bool accept = triggerResultsHandle_->accept(triggerIndex);

You can find some new, more interesting tricks on lines 180-190. There we create an empty vector trigMuons, loop over all trigger objects (that is, physics objects reconstructed at HLT), select the objects that HLT classified as muons that would pass our single-muon trigger, and add the four-vectors of these trigger-level muon objects to the trigMuons vector:

  std::vector trigMuons;
  if (verbose_) cout << "found trigger muons:" << endl;
  const edm::TriggerNames &names = iEvent.triggerNames(*triggerResultsHandle_);
  for (pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone obj : *triggerOSA_) {
    if ( ! ) continue; // muon type id
    if ( !obj.hasPathName( triggerName_, true, true ) ) continue; // checks if object is associated to last filter (true) and L3 filter (true)
    if (verbose_) cout << "  - pt: " << << ", eta: " << obj.eta() << ", phi: " << obj.phi() << endl;
  } // loop on trigger objects

Run the configuration file as follows:

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/LPCTriggerHATS/ShortExerciseTrigger/test

The code will output a file called histos_SingleMuTrigAnalyzer.root, which we will inspect in the next exercise.


Trigger objects are also stored in NanoAOD. Here are a short example of accessing

from coffea.nanoevents import NanoAODSchema
events = NanoEventsFactory.from_root(fpath,schemaclass=NanoAODSchema).events()

Trigger object is one of the fields of the event

trig = events.TrigObj

The trigger objects has an id attribute so that you can easily find same type of trigger objects (e.g. trigger muons)

trigMuon = trig[]
# ID of the object: 11 = Electron (PixelMatched e/gamma), 22 = Photon (PixelMatch-vetoed e/gamma), 13 = Muon, 15 = Tau, 1 = Jet, 6 = FatJet, 2 = MET, 3 = HT, 4 = MHT
# Note that id matches the pdgId of the particles

Filter bits

The information of which trigger paths the trigger object has passed is stored compactly in the filterBits field.
The filterBits encoding can be found from the documentations links below.

For example, for muons, the bits meaning is the following:

  1    = TrkIsoVVL,
  2    = Iso, 
  4    = OverlapFilter PFTau,
  8    = 1mu,
  16   = 2mu,
  32   = 1mu-1e, 
  64   = 1mu-1tau,
  128  = 3mu, 
  256  = 2mu-1e,
  512  = 1mu-2e,
  1024 = 1mu (Mu50), 
  2048 = 1mu (Mu100)

Therefore, if you want to find trigger muons in Iso paths:

filterBit = 2
passIso = trigMuon.filterBits &filterBit==filterBit # mask for each trigMuon
IsoTrigMuon = trigMuon[passIso] 

How can you find the trigger muons in 1mu and Iso paths?


Key Points