Github repo and Mattermost
The following instructions are also given in the README:
Join the Mattermost channel and feel free to ask questions:
Setting up on Swan
Go to on your browser
Sign in to Single Sign On (SSO) with your CERN account username and password
- Configure container environment parameters and click on “Start My Session”
you can use the defauly parameters: (Software Stack: 104a, Platform: CentOS 7 (gcc 11), Number of cores: 4, Memory: 8 GB, Spark cluster: None)
On the upper right corner, click on “
New Terminal >_
” button. This opens a new tab with a terminal - In the terminal window, download the tutorials by typing:
git clone
In the original tab, click on “CERNBox” button at the top
- There should be a new directory called
. All of the tutorials and exercises are in there. Go there, Open and execute the contents ofsetup-libraries.ipynb
- You can directly run one of the notebooks by opening them, e.g.
If you want to cut-and-paste this command in the terminal, highlight the link and copy it as you usually would Ctrl+c or ⌘+c. To paste it, use Shift+Ctrl+v or Shift+⌘+v