This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

CMS DAS Short Exercise - Statistics: Setup

Github repo and Mattermost

Setting up on Swan

  1. Go to on your browser

  2. Sign in to Single Sign On (SSO) with your CERN account username and password

  3. Configure container environment parameters and click on “Start My Session”

    you can use the defauly parameters: (Software Stack: 104a, Platform: CentOS 7 (gcc 11), Number of cores: 4, Memory: 8 GB, Spark cluster: None)

  4. On the upper right corner, click on “New Terminal >_” button. This opens a new tab with a terminal

  5. In the terminal window, download the tutorials by typing:
    git clone
  6. In the original tab, click on “CERNBox” button at the top

  7. There should be a new directory called statistics-das. All of the tutorials and exercises are in there. Go there, Open and execute the contents of setup-libraries.ipynb
  8. You can directly run one of the notebooks by opening them, e.g. statistics-das/0/exercise_0.ipynb


If you want to cut-and-paste this command in the terminal, highlight the link and copy it as you usually would Ctrl+c or +c. To paste it, use Shift+Ctrl+v or Shift++v