CMS DAS 2025 Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise: Reference

Key Points

CMS Data Analysis School Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise - The five basic track variables
  • The pre-selection of tracks to HighPurity in MiniAOD also affects the distribution of the track quality parameters.

  • All tracks are stored in the generalTracks collection in AOD.

  • In MiniAOD they are accessible in a less straightforward way (packedPFCandidates, lostTracks collection) and not all tracks are available!

CMS Data Analysis School Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise - Tracks as particles
  • Tracks give us a direct handle on actual particles, thus they can easily be used to reconstruct other particles in the event

CMS Data Analysis School Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise - Constructing vertices from tracks
  • Two or more tracks can be used to reconstruct their common point of origin, the vertex

  • Requiring two tracks to originate from the same vertex is a powerful tool to identify particles that decayed in the detector

  • The distribution of the proton proton interaction, the so-called interaction region, in the center of the CMS detector is an ellipse.

CMS Data Analysis School Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise - Appendix
  • At this point it is extremely important to look at the documentation to find out moreabout the Tracking Physics Object Group (TRK POG) tasks.


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